Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Better late than never, right?

Here's a quick summary of what happened after our program ended:

My parents flew to Sevilla and spent three days with me there. They had the opportunity to meet mis padres and see where I lived for 7 weeks which was an amazing experience. Our group went out our last few nights in Sevilla which always ended with Kelly and I getting lost for hours at a time (the trip wouldn't be complete if we didn't). We cried when we said goodbye to our professors (mostly Carlos). We made some of the most incredible friendships and memories together that didn't seem to hit us until the very end of the trip when we realized we were out of time.

After Sevilla, my parents and I flew to Barcelona and boarded our cruise ship, Liberty of the Seas, the next morning. The cruise took us to Villefranche, Florence, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, and Positano. It was such a blast to spend a week with my parents and see some of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. If the Everett's ever just pick up and disappear from America, just know that we have probably made a new life for ourselves in Positano. Most beautiful city on Earth.

After the cruise we spent three more days in Barcelona exploring the city that never sleeps (european style) and eating/drinking unhealthy amounts. All in all- this summer was something I know that I will never forget. It's something that I will tell my children about and encourage them to experience. It's something that changed my outlook on life, love, and just about everything else important in life. Traveling the world really does change you as a person- for the better.

That's what the main purpose of this blog is- to encourage anyone reading this to go. Just go. Whether it be study abroad through a university, or backpacking all across Europe. Whether it be with a group of friends, or alone. just go. 

Studying abroad didn't just teach me about European culture, or Spanish cuisine, or how to speak Spanish. It taught me who I am, who I want to be, and where I see myself in the future. It taught me to be patient, independent and dependent, cautious and carefree, excited and scared- all at the same time.

The friends that I made along the way are friends I hope to have for the rest of my life. Not just our small group that I typically spent most of my time with- but everyone. Every single person that I went on this trip with will forever hold a special place in my heart. And we will always share a bond that nobody else can understand.

I'll always cherish our group- but I also appreciate the people we met along the way. Carlos, Elena, Alejandro, Aurora, Kendall, and everyone else that we once met and never saw again. These people taught me that there's more outside of your little comfort bubble. There's so much more to be seen, done, explored, learned.

Comfort is overrated. Being comfortable is boring. It's constant and safe. Stepping out of your comfort zone is what makes you grow as an individual. Whatever future you may have and whatever field of work you may be in- I can truly say one of the most important things for a human being to do is to travel. Take the time to go and see and learn and write and just be you.

It's worth taking out a loan to be able to study abroad. It's worth being separated from your boyfriend for X amount of time. It's worth missing your mom and dad for a while. It's worth missing out on things back home. Every single thing you do while traveling is worth it.

"Wherever you go, go with all of your heart" -Confucius
